About me

👋 Hi, I’m Jean. On paper, I’ve had a wildly successful career. I’ve successfully transitioned careers multiple times, worked from one big name tech company to the next.

But the truth is the journey wasn’t easy. I wished someone could show me the ropes..

I’m an introvert and grew up extremely shy and lacked self confidence. Even in my roles, I suffered from extreme imposter syndrome asking myself “Am I good enough?” “I wish they don’t find out about me”. Through many years of trial and error and self-compassion, I ultimately landed my dream roles at my dream companies and worked my way up.

✅ At the biggest and well-known tech companies including Intuit, Meta, Pinterest, Linkedin and now Figma
✅ Building my expertise across functions such as Customer Success, Sales, Account Management, Ops & Strategy, and Product Support
✅ As a tenured professional, I’ve conducted hundreds of interviews, scaled teams and built multiple frameworks and processes from zero to one receiving praise and awards from c-level executives and customers

As of 2022, my mission is to help people from all backgrounds break into Tech and thrive on the job. I'm living proof that this dream IS possible without needing fancy certifications or pricey courses. I’d love to help you achieve your ultimate career goals!

Ready to unlock your potential?